Category Archives: Invisible Illness

Check out my shop!

Hey guys!

It’s official–check out my Cafepress shop and help me spread Lyme Disease Awareness! Let me know what you think!


Healing thoughts and prayers to all,



I’m still me.

I’m still my father’s little girl, my mother’s best friend and my brother’s sister. I’m still your cousin, your niece and your granddaughter. I’m still the friend that will make you laugh and the friend that will always be there. I’m still the girl you can talk to about anything, the girl who will cry with you and tell you it’s going to be alright. I’m still the friend you can call up out of the blue and pick up right where we left off. I’m still the girl who will stick up for you, remind you of your strengths and tell you how much you matter. I’m still the friend that will always try and make everything okay, the friend that will gladly go out of their way for you and who will always try to make you smile. I’m still the friend who will always care about you, the friend you did everything with and the friend you considered a sister.


I’m still her.


I’m still me.


I’m the girl that hasn’t given up, the girl that battles Lyme Disease every single day and the girl who won’t go down without a fight. I’m the friend that is mostly confined to her bed, the friend who can’t help how she feels and the friend that doesn’t mean to keep losing touch. I’m the girl who just wants someone to love her through the good days and the bad days, the girl who is tired of being defined by others because of her illness and the girl who just wants to feel better again.


I may be her, but I’m still me.



Healing thoughts and prayers to all,


“I didn’t come this far to only come this far.”

My name is Kate. I’m 26, I haven’t gone to college, the only relationship I have is with my bed (or sometimes the couch) and I’m trying to get back on my feet again after fighting Lyme Disease for most of my life.

Some of that may sound familiar since I originally wrote it in an earlier post back when I first started this blog. I wish my absence meant I’ve only been improving but, that’s unfortunately not the case. In the posts-to-come, I’ll be sure to update you on my continuous fight with Lyme and all the difficulties you must face dealing with a chronic illness such as the loss of friendships, relationships, independence and how many, many, many of us are not giving ourselves the credit we truly do deserve. We’re still fighting, we’re still here. That means something, right?

Most don’t have a clue what someone with a chronic illness goes through on a daily basis. We can’t help it if we can’t make it out of bed most days, are unable to eat, think clearly, hold a conversation, move without wincing in pain, always needing the bathroom, not feeling up to getting out of the house, glued to our heating pad, need the room dark because of a terrible migraine, so nauseous you can’t even speak, curled up in a ball because of intense stomach pain, hit the point of exhaustion where you just can’t keep your eyes open–and much more.

For those of you not familiar with my blog, it’s about how Lyme Disease both takes time from you as well as takes time to recover from. You can also expect posts about some of my favorite recipes as well as products I enjoy. I do take the time to share experiences on how numerous doctor appointments left me in tears, to friends and relatives not being able to understand. I know there is someone, somewhere who has yet to be diagnosed or recently was and honestly can’t find themselves more lost just as I once was. I still find myself lost a great deal of the time, but as the title of this post states, “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” As I continue giving this fight my all, you can count on me being your voice as well as bringing much needed awareness to this truly controversial disease that continues to wreak havoc on so many lives each and every day.


You’re not alone.


“Strength grows in moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.”


Healing thoughts and prayers to all,




Seeing The Good: Day 30

Today concludes the ‘Seeing The Good’ series. A whole month dedicated to posting positive thoughts, images, quotes, etc. To be honest, I didn’t think I would stick to it. There were days where just thinking about writing a post exhausted me. But I did it. And I’m glad I did.

Frustration, joy, anger, happiness. Long story short, it’s been a month of back-and-forth-and-back-and-forth. “That’s what life is: repetitive routines. It’s a matter of finding the balance between deviating from those patterns and knowing when to repeat them.”Joseph Gordon-Levitt Whether yet another doctor’s appointment left me without answers and in tears, or just being happy to have the energy to do my laundry, it has all been an experience. I’m very grateful that a recent ER visit for my mother ended up being minor when it could have been much worse. I’m also thankful for my father celebrating another birthday. He was diagnosed with Myocarditis when I was very young and he continues to prove doctors wrong each day. We have this moment and only this moment for sure. Cherish it, always.

I will no doubt learn from this past month more so than others, frankly because while the happening events were evolving, I was concentrating on the positive effects that they would have on me. And that, is a very difficult thing to do.“Life isn’t about what happens to you, it’s about how you handle what happens.” Maybe someone who is not suffering from a chronic illness will find that seeing the good is not that difficult at all. Or, maybe they’ll find that it is. I have always been the optimistic type, but pessimistic thoughts do seep in time to time, unfortunately getting the best of me. We all have our down moments. The best way to stay focus on the positive is to appreciate the little things in life. You’ll be surprised how such small acts of kindness take up the most room in your heart.

It’s been a difficult past few weeks, but sticking to this challenge made it all the more bearable, all the more worth it. “Life is about change, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.” From new followers to such supportive, kind-hearted comments, I sincerely can not thank you all enough for accompanying me by my side this past month. And I’ll continue to stay right by your side, and most importantly, being your voice.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts on the ‘Seeing The Good’ series and if that’s something you’d like to look forward to again. You’re welcome to suggest topics, ask questions, and I’m certainly up for other blog/sites/etc. recommendations, as well. I’m hoping to continue sticking to my goal of posting more often. You will definitely be hearing from me again soon.

Until then, Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.”Helen Keller

Healing thoughts and prayers to all,


Seeing The Good: Day 29

Healing thoughts and prayers to all-


Seeing The Good: Day 28

Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” -Dean Karnazes


Healing thoughts and prayers to all-


Seeing The Good: Day 27

I’d like to dedicate today’s post to a very inspiring, strong-willed soul who is also celebrating their birthday today.

If you asked me to describe Hannah in one word, I would tell you it’s just not possible. How do you describe one who picks up their life and moves to a different state to get the treatment she so desperately needed and deserved? I could say that she’s brave, determined, courageous, all of which is true–but that’s the thing, I wouldn’t know when to stop.
Hannah has been battling Lyme Disease and multiple co-infections. She just recently returned back home after eight and a half months of grueling, yet promising, treatment. It certainly has not been easy. She may have a bit of a way to go still, but she didn’t and hasn’t given up. That alone says more than any word can describe.

This kind-hearted gal makes you feel as if you’ve known her forever. She’s always smiling, making jokes, and always has everyone at ease. She has such a big heart and deserves nothing but the best.

Thank you Hannah, for everything, for all that you do. You’re truly an inspiration to all.

Happy Birthday, love. Wishing you the best not just today, but always.

xo Kate

Seeing The Good: Day 26

First off, apologies for posting late again. The past few days have been pretty eventful, to say the least. The kind of days that make you stop dead in your tracks and have you thinking, “Is this really happening?”

Whether the situation is good or bad, we can’t help but pause and take a step back to look at everything, to see how far we’ve come. You may be over-joyed by these events or worried about what could possibly go wrong, thinking even the worst thoughts imaginable.

Whether you find yourself on your knees or  you’re just so very grateful for this moment in time, remember to keep your head up, always. If this moment has you thinking, “What if?”, keep your head up. If this moment has you feeling blessed, keep your head up.

Don’t look down when you were given eyes to only look forward. You will get through this.

Healing thoughts and prayers to all-


Seeing The Good: Day 25

It’s the little things that mean the most…

 Like baking with the ones you care so much about.

Healing thoughts and prayers to all-


**Will post today’s Seeing The Good later. Apologies..

Seeing The Good: Day 24

“Just because you accept help from someone, doesn’t mean you have failed. It just means you’re not in it alone.”

When I first heard this quote in the film Life As We Know It, I just wanted to keep rewinding back to that same scene and watch it over and over and over. I was overcome with such relief and at the same time, fear.

Most people would say dying is their biggest fear or losing someone close. Maybe it’s getting stuck in an elevator (which I have–and survived!) or getting into a car accident. My biggest fear is losing my independence. In other words, ending up in a wheel chair. Anyone suffering from such chronic pain have days where they are just not able to go about their usual routine without some assistance. Which brings me to the relief part–I’m sincerely thankful and grateful that my family is there for me and helps me in any way that they possibly can. But I don’t want to be their sick daughter, I  want to be just their daughter. And I don’t want to be my brother’s sick sister, I want to be just his sister and only his sister. Nothing else attached. The point I’m trying to get at is, I know I’m not in this illness alone, just like the quote states, I just don’t want them or anyone else to end up being my source of dependence.

I know my family is there for me and that they want to be there. There may be times where they are unsure of what to say or do, but they are there. And most importantly, I know it. Words can’t begin to even describe how much I appreciate my parents and all that they do. My brother? He’s the best brother a sister can have. Yes, there are times where he doesn’t understand or is confused by whats going on, but having an almost 14-year-old ask me if I need anything and tells me “I love you” before he goes to bed every night, I’m truly blessed to have him by my side. I wouldn’t not want him apart of my life, no matter what the circumstance may be. I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that he told my parents he doesn’t think the “old Katie” is ever coming back. He’s right. She’s not, but the Katie that does come out on the other side of this illness will be even better–in better health and in a better mind-set about whatever else comes her way. Even while sick, I try my hardest to be there for my family and those around me as much as possible. I never feel like I have to be there, I’m just there out of the goodness of my own heart. Always have been, always will be.

 Currently, I’m trying to take down walls. I’m realizing that even when loved ones that you were once close with make you feel as if they no longer what you apart of their life, there are ones that actually want you to be apart of theirs. And have the chance to be there for you, too.

Accept help when it’s offered. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask, don’t be afraid to reach for someone’s hand. You don’t have to go this alone. And you shouldn’t. Something I need to start reminding myself.

Healing thoughts and prayers to all-
